Parents must contact Fr. Ray to attend the Baptismal classes.
Instructions are about an hour, and are scheduled as needed.
Baptism regularly takes place during the weekend Mass or by appointment,
when the situation calls for it. The time of baptism is normally scheduled during the baptism class.
When choosing Godparents, please keep the following in mind:
At least one has to be catholic
A catholic has to be confirmed, at least 16 years of age, and in good standing with the church.
a non-catholic, but baptized christian, can stand in as a christian witness.
Held at 4:30 in Sacred Heart, Osage every Saturday, and at 8:00 am at Visitation on Sunday.
Confessions will also be heard by appointment. Call Fr. Ray to schedule.
First Holy Communion
coming soon
coming soon
Anointing of the Sick
The Rite of Anointing does not need to wait until a person is at the point of death to receive the Sacrament. A careful judgment about the serious nature of the illness is sufficient. The Sacrament may be repeated if the sick person recovers after the anointing but becomes ill once again, or if, during the same illness, the person’s condition becomes more serious. Only bishops and priests may be ministers of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
A penitential rite followed by the Liturgy of the Word begins the celebration. The priest lays his hands on the head of the sick person. He then proceeds to anoint, with the blessed Oil of the Sick, the forehead and hands of the sick person. He accompanies these acts with the words, “Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up”.
Here at the St. Isidore Cluster we celebrate the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick during Masses of Lent. We do so at each of the Nursing Homes, and also on one of the weekends at all Masses.
If you have a loved one who would like to receive the Anointing of the Sick, do not hesitate to call Rev. Ray Burkle at the Office 641-732-4342, call the rectory @ 832-2671, or call his cell phone @ 563-580-2197 (day or night, especially in emergencies).
When you have decided on the date you would like to be married, call Fr. Ray Burkle at 641-732-4342 (or his cell at 563-580-2197) and schedule an appointment to visit to see if the desired date is available. Your first session will be a pre-nuptial session along with Archdiocese/Pastorate guidelines. At this time it will be determined as to how many sessions will be needed prior to the marriage ceremony.
Once you have become engaged and called to reserve your wedding date, you are free to sign up for a PreCana weekend, an Engaged Encounter weekend. The Archdiocese' website has details about the weekends. You can also get information when we first visit.
Once you are ready to start planning your wedding celebration, you have two choices.
If you are planning the full Mass with Communion, go to our Mass planning page to help you get started.
If your celebration is without Communion, go to our Celebration planning page. When you have everything planned, fill out the selections and submit.